今天完成2024-2025年FAFSA fafsa.政府

博彩平台推荐 / 金融援助 / 奖助金 & 奖学金

奖助金 & 奖学金


如果你有资格, 奖学金, 折扣, 和助学金可以帮助你减轻博彩平台推荐的教育成本. 奖学金、折扣和助学金在许多领域都可以从许多机构获得. 下面列出的只是一些助学金和奖学金的选择. 有关您是否有资格获得这些真实资源的更多信息, 请博彩平台推荐的财政援助办公室. 我们是来帮忙的!


奖学金, 折扣, 助学金是由于成绩优异而给予学生的一笔钱或其他援助, 需要, 或者其他原因来继续他或她的学业. 与贷款不同,这种援助不需要偿还.


  • 专为本科生提供
  • 必须提交 免费申请联邦学生援助- FAFSA
  • 这取决于你是全日制学生还是兼职学生
  • 必须有FAFSA的财务需求基础
  • 根据你的出勤费用,如果你计划参加全年或更少
联邦补充教育机会补助金- SEOG补助金

联邦补充教育机会补助金 SEOG格兰特

  • 专为本科生提供
  • 需要基于FAFSA的特殊经济需求
  • 优先考虑联邦佩尔助学金获得者
  • 资金视情况而定

俄亥俄大学机会补助金 组委授予

  • 俄亥俄州居民
  • 财务需要
  • 只限本科生


政策: “所有符合条件的本科生都必须提交一份 免费申请联邦学生援助(FAFSA) 以获得任何博彩平台推荐资助. 这包括5、但不限于学术奖学金, 体育奖学金, 巨龙助理补助金, 艺术奖学金, 及领导奖学金.”

学生只能获得一项院校奖学金/折扣. All financial aid documents required for financial aid 和 all admissions documents required for admissions is required. 金融援助 will NOT disburse onto accounts until all final official documents are received.

优秀奖学金等级 高中累积绩点 优秀奖学金金额
受托人奖学金: 3.80 & 以上 $17,000
总统奖学金: 3.50 – 3.79 $15,000
格兰特:院长 3.00 – 3.49 $13,000
1888年格兰特 2.50 – 2.99 $11,000
绿色 & 金资助 2.49 & 下面 $10,000

Academic 奖学金 are awarded to full-time on-campus students during their first year or to transfer students.  优秀奖学金的颁发是基于累积GPA. The amount awarded to a first year or transfer student is the amount they can continue to receive during their enrollment on-campus at Tiffin University. 第一年后,我们不会提高奖学金金额. 这项奖学金用于支付学费.

优秀奖学金等级 大学累积GPA 优秀奖学金金额
转学受托人奖学金: 3.75 & 以上 $16,000
转学校长奖学金: 3.50 – 3.749 $14,000
转院长格兰特: 2.70 – 3.499 $12,000
1888年拨款: 2.0 – 2.699 $10,000

Academic 奖学金 are awarded to full-time on-campus students during their first year or to transfer students.  优秀奖学金的颁发是基于累积GPA. The amount awarded to a first year or transfer student is the amount they can continue to receive during their enrollment on-campus at Tiffin University. 第一年后,我们不会提高奖学金金额. 这项奖学金用于支付学费.


The FAFSA grant is a grant for the 24-25 academic year of $1000 for any new first-year or transfer on campus student for Fall 2024 who has filed a 2024-2025 FAFSA by June 1, 2024. This grant is renewable for incoming Fall 2024 students annually as long as they continue to file their FAFSA by June 1st.


Any new first-year or transfer student for Fall 2024 who has filed a 2024-2025 FAFSA 和 has visited campus in-person prior to June 1, 2024. 此补助金不可续期.


如果你现在是现役军人, 你有资格享受博彩平台推荐的学费减免. Students who receive this 折扣 are not eligible to receive additional types of Tiffin University’s 奖学金, 奖助金, 或折扣. 每年需要提供证明,以确认继续符合学费费率.


  • 本科学士学位学生每学分250美元
  • 硕士生每学分325美元
  • 博士学位学生每学分450美元


  • 服务证明声明或信件
  • 你最近的现役合同复印件
  • 教育官员的信
  • 现役军人身份证复印件
  • 学费资助授权书

If you are receiving 学费 Assistance (TA) make sure to send your TA Authorization Letter. 有问题请联系 tuveterans@xiuxianke.net.


Tiffin University offers generous 奖学金 for participating in extracurricular Arts activities including music, 剧院, 跳舞, 工作室生产, 多媒体制作, 摄像 & 摄影、新闻、艺术 & 设计和体育媒体. 欲知详情,请浏览 TiffinArts.



博彩平台推荐为校际运动提供体育奖学金. 欲知详情,请浏览 GoTiffinDragons.


Individuals who already hold a bachelor’s degree will receive a fifty percent 折扣 of the tuition rate for on-campus undergraduate courses. 学位确认, in the form of an official transcript must be presented to the Office of Registration 和 Records before enrollment. Students who receive this 折扣 are not eligible to receive additional types of Tiffin University’s 奖学金, 奖助金, 或折扣.

美国商会 & 蒂芬-塞内卡经济合作折扣

美国商会 & Tiffin-Seneca Economic Partnership member companies who are accepted by Tiffin University 和 enroll in Tiffin University courses will receive a 折扣. Students who receive the tuition 折扣 are not eligible to receive additional types of Tiffin University institutional aid. A letter from your HR department certifying employment or a copy of a current pay stub is required for proof annually.

  • 硕士生:每学时折扣100美元
  • 在线和扩展学习学士学位学生:每学时折扣100美元
  • 在校本科学生:每学时折扣200美元

Eissmann Automotive Group employees who are accepted by Tiffin University 和 enroll in Tiffin University courses will receive a 折扣. Students who receive the tuition 折扣 are not eligible to receive additional types of Tiffin University institutional aid. 每年需要人力资源部门出具的在职证明.

  • 硕士生:每学时折扣250美元
  • 在线和扩展学习学士学位学生:每学时折扣150美元
  • 在校本科学生:每学时折扣200美元

博彩平台推荐很自豪地颁发遗产奖学金. This scholarship symbolizes the University’s commitment to community 和 student support 和 recognizes the importance of family tradition by providing funds to retain students 和 assist them towards earning a college degree.

遗产奖学金是为博彩平台推荐博士校友的受抚养子女提供的, 研究生或本科课程. The dependent student must be a full-time, on-campus, first-year or transfer undergraduate student. 独立学生必须满足入学要求.

This 遗产奖学金 is for one academic year only 和 is renewable based on meeting the requirements below.

为了让你保持获得遗产奖学金的资格, 必须满足以下要求:

  • 符合天芬大学的入学要求.
  • Be a dependent of a Tiffin University Alumni from our undergraduate, graduate or doctoral program.
  • 学生必须是全日制在校学生,一年级本科生或转学生. 在线和校外地点不符合条件. 退课可能导致奖学金减少或取消.
  • 完成联邦学生援助免费申请(FAFSA).
  • 必须在大学保持良好的学术地位.
  • 不能在信贷余额中接受机构援助.

除了优秀奖学金之外,还可以颁发这项奖学金, 运动, 压片艺术, 啦啦队, 和/或任何额外的机构援助.


博彩平台推荐将为退役军人提供军事学费折扣, 退伍军人, 预备役人员, 国民警卫队, 及/或现役人员的家属(配偶/子女). 您必须提交文件才能获得此折扣. Students who receive this 折扣 are not eligible to receive additional types of Tiffin University’s 奖学金, 奖助金, 或折扣. Proof must be submitted to the 金融援助 Office annually to confirm continued eligibility of the 折扣.

  • 本科生:每学分减免150美元
  • 硕士生:每学分减免250美元
  • 博士学位学生:每学分减免150美元


  • 服务证明声明或信件
  • 你最近的入伍合同复印件
  • 你最近的假期和收入表复印件,显示预计离职时间
  • 你的DD214副本
  • 教育官员的信
  • DEERS表格1172-2副本
  • 军人身份证复印件

Employees from the following Partner Institutions will be eligible to receive a 折扣 towards tuition from Tiffin University. Students who receive the tuition 折扣 are not eligible to receive additional types of Tiffin University institutional aid. 必须每年提交雇主的雇佣证明.

  • 东门社区学院
  • 华盛顿州立社区学院
  • 罗德州立大学
  • 马里昂技术学院
  • 欧文斯社区学院
  • 爱迪生州立社区学院
  • 凯霍加社区学院
  • 哥伦布州立社区学院
  • 北中央州立大学
  • 泰拉州立社区学院


  • 在线和扩展学习本科课程每学分减免150美元
  • 主校区本科课程每学分减免200美元
  • 硕士水平课程每学分减免250美元
  • 博士课程每学分减免150美元
Phi Theta Kappa奖学金

Full time 本科 on-campus students who are a member of Phi Theta Kappa will be eligible to receive $500 per semester from Tiffin University. 会员必须提供证书副本.


Volunteers of America employees who are accepted by Tiffin University 和 enroll in courses will receive a 折扣. Students who receive the tuition 折扣 are not eligible to receive additional types of Tiffin University institutional aid. A letter from your HR department certifying employment or a copy of a current pay stub is required for proof annually.

  • 研究生:每学时折扣250美元
  • 在线学习和扩展学习本科生:每学时折扣150美元
  • 主校区本科生:每学时折扣200美元


这些奖学金是学生可以通过外部来源获得的. 例如:海外退伍军人管理局、父母的雇主、宗教组织. 你也可以看看这些网站: 萨莉·梅的奖学金搜索 和 TU的财政援助脸谱网页面

学费交换公司. 奖学金项目

Individuals who are dependent undergraduate level students 和 whose parent(s) work for another college or university may be eligible to apply for the 学费 Exchange Scholarship. This scholarship application process must be initiated through the 学费 Exchange liaison at his/her sponsor college (parent’s employer).

博彩平台推荐参加了两个交流项目:学费交流公司.,以及独立学院理事会学费交换计划. 参与机构名单可浏览以下网页 http://telo.tuitionexchange.org/schools.cfm 和 http://www.cic.edu/member-services/tuition-exchange-program

Tiffin University does not participate in the 学费 Exchange Programs for 研究生 (Masters) or Doctoral (Ph.D.)水平课程.

学费交换程序与录取程序是分开的. Tiffin University 博彩平台推荐 information may be obtained by contacting the Office of 博彩平台推荐800-968-6446.

Any specific questions about the 学费 Exchange Program at Tiffin University can be directed to our 学费 Exchange Import Liaison Officer, 贝斯利瑞, at 419-448-3407 or learybl@xiuxianke.net

提交免费申请联邦学生援助(FAFSA) fafsa.政府. 获得学费交换奖的学生需要提交FAFSA. 联邦拨款总额, 国家拨款, 学术/优秀奖学金, 学费交换不得超过学费总额, 技术费, 校园服务费.


The purpose of the College Work-Study program is to exp和 part-time employment opportunities for eligible students to pursue their education.

如果你已经获得了联邦大学的勤工俭学,并且对就业感兴趣, 请登入 握手 找一份校内工作.

我们还与校外地点签订了协议, if you have reliable transportation you can visit the financial aid office for a current list of locations 和 an application for those positions.


Please note that money earned is not automatically applied to your account like other financial aid. 美元是由学生挣来的,他们将通过薪水支票收到美元. Employment through the federal work study program is not guaranteed 和 should not be relied on as a manner for covering a student’s bill.